

Monday, July 7, 2014

"Discovering Living Water" by Gayle Goff

(This sermon was delivered on Sunday, June 29 at Potomac Presbyterian Church as we shared are experiences with our church family).

First simply THANK YOU. Thank you for supporting this wonderful mission trip. It is because of you that we were able to both bring and receive Christ’s living water last week. Thank you.

In an early devotion we talked about what “living water” meant. I’d always considered it to mean simply water to drink – something absolutely essential to life but not very multi-faceted. Clearly in Jesus day the symbolism of water had a resonance much more powerful than in our world where water is so easily and cheaply available. But Pastor Kendra had us consider all the ways water enriches, nourishes and sustains us.

First of course, Water is essential to life – giving over this week to serving people helped bring my spirit back to life. It woke me up, sort of like watering a wilted plant and seeing it recover.

Water also provides extraordinary beauty to our life – our chance to visit a park on the ocean provided both worldly beauty and spiritual beauty as I reflected on how absolutely wonderful it was to be there with this group.

Water cleanses – I must admit I let work and daily demands take me away from God and too often act in ways not pleasing to our Lord. Slowing down to take this trip washed away daily cares and allowed us to approach God in a more real way.

Water provide enjoyment - and truly the Lord was at work in our group as we played and worked together. Sometimes I found myself laughing so hard my cares just melted away. Yes indeed water, the Holy Spirit can provide enjoyment.

I could go on with other ideas on the living water poured out on us last week but I want to tell you about stories. 

First – the church where we stayed
Imagine a sanctuary similar in size and shape to ours; the building is new - only about 6 years old. It has a big cross up here in the front and Presbyterian worshipers. Now change it a bit and imagine windows all around – “to let the world in” they said. And replace the pews with chairs and folding tables in the back which can be rearranged in a multitude of ways to worship, serve meals, host meetings, do paperwork for the weekly community food pantry and even allow visiting volunteers to sleep there. It is truly a living sanctuary; not a sterile place. Imagine letting different groups of people live in the building week after week and have the run of the place, cook their meals, use the kitchen, shower and play in the building, along with worship and service. I kept struggling to wrap my brain around that idea. Somehow they do it though, and manage to keep the place tidy and in very good condition. Now that you have that picture in mind, let me tell you this church has a small congregation – only a little over 100 total members. The day we attended, our group of 30 approximately doubled the attendance. Now here’s the startling thing about this church, despite this small size - every week someone was a volunteer manager for a visiting group coordinating their work, orienting them to the building, setting up a weekly dinner to be shared by the visitors and the homies. Let me tell you, this is a very different way for a church to be a vessel to bring God’s living water to this world. 

 And how successful are they? I don’t know how you measure success in an endeavor like this, but in less than 6 months last year they were able to facilitate not just 5,000 hours or 10,000 or even 20,000 hours of service, but over 50,000 hours of community service – in less than 6 months. That was last year, I don’t recall the numbers for this year as I was so startled when they told us that number. The people in this church are modest hardworking souls One night I saw Karen, the volunteer who helped with our visit, in the office at about 11 pm – turns out she was working on name tags for us for the church dinner the next night. Just wanted to get it done she said. The people at Morning Star showed me a new meaning to being a welcoming congregation. They were genuinely pleased and thankful to have us there. Imagine that – we worked only four days and they acted like we were doing so much for the community. Their appreciation and hospitality made it hard for me to feel like we were the ones giving. In fact on this trip, I would have to say that often I couldn’t tell whether we were bringing God’s living water to others of if they were giving it to us.

The other story I want to share with you involves Jim and Mike.

On our last day we all worked at the home of Jim, a 74 year old disabled Viet Nam Vet who lived in the same house all his life. During Superstorm Sandy - Jim stayed in his home and awoke to water above his knees – since his house is raised about 3 feet, that meant the water in his yard was over 5 feet deep. Now you also need to know, Jim is a bit of a collector. His yard was overgrown with the greenery he loves so much and packed with a multitude of objects. He was receiving help through a Habitat for Humanity program which helps homeowners fix code violations and keep them in their homes even when they’re struggling to maintain them – So through that program, we helped sort items and tidy the yard, trim plants, bundle debris, pull off the old shingles on the side of his house (in preparation for installing siding.) and generally made a huge impact in a few hours. Jim was appreciative and involved, though also a bit sad about the huge change. Imagine people coming into your yard whacking your plants and totally rearranging things. 

But the person who touched me the most there was Mike, the Habitat for Humanity project leader. His calm and very respectful approach was an inspiration – it was only because he treated Jim with such love and respect, that Jim was able to participate in the project and maintain his home. As Mike said it – if Jim didn’t want this and participate, we wouldn’t be here. To me and perhaps many of us- it would have been very easy to be disdainful of Jim’s collections, to label him a Hoarder as though that made him something less than us. But Mike was anything but disdainful. He was respectful, non-judgmental and treated Jim with simple love. Because of that, he was able to open our eyes and lead us to be a helpful resource for Jim. I could see Christ’s love and acceptance so clearly through Mike. 

You should also know that Mike is a person with challenges. Several years ago, he lost a great deal to a fire – even some of his loved ones. He was angry and turned away from God. Now he is finding his way back and asked to participate in our devotion that day. His presence enriched us – brought living water to us. We prayed for Jim. Mike told us we were a walking prayer for Jim. It was once again an experience where I couldn’t tell where the line was between giving and receiving.

There is so much more to talk about, but before I close I must tell you the young people this week were absolutely awesome. They were God’s hands and feet and ears. They listened respectfully to those whose lives have been turned upside down. They worked hard, even when they didn’t fully understand why the work was important – and they played hard too. So since I’m out of time I’ll stop and invite you to please join us in the fellowship hall and ask all of us about the experience you supported –

Ask us about living water
Ask about A-ed & the Costco run
Ask about Diane, the single mom of 2 who will soon move into a new Habitat for Humanity home we helped with.
Ask about yoga
Ask about the men at the American Legion Hall
Ask about what kind of music Charlie listens too
Ask about Hakuna Matata

Thank you! May we continue to follow in Christ’s footsteps and bring his living water to the world.


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